Choosing an air conditioner requires careful consideration rather than impulsive decisions. It’s a significant investment affecting your finances and comfort, demanding thorough research before installation. Finding the right fit is crucial for efficient operation year-round, especially if you plan to use it for heating in winter. While larger units may seem appealing, they aren’t always the best choice. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through choosing the appropriate size of air conditioner system to meet your needs. 

Factors to Consider When Determining AC Size

Curious about what size split system you need to achieve the ideal temperature in your home? Explore the factors below:

  • Room size for Air Conditioner

The size of your room is a crucial factor in determining the appropriate aircon size. Larger rooms require more cooling power to maintain comfortable temperatures, while smaller rooms can suffice with smaller units. Additionally, consider the height of the ceiling, as taller rooms may need extra cooling capacity.

  • Insulation and building materials

The insulation of your home and the materials used in its construction can impact its cooling needs. Well-insulated homes with energy-efficient materials require less cooling power than poorly insulated ones. Factors like the number and size of windows, as well as the presence of drafts, should also be taken into account.

  • Climate and local weather patterns

The climate of your region greatly influences the size of your air conditioning unit. Hot and humid climates demand more cooling capacity to combat high temperatures, while milder climates may require smaller units. Additionally, consider local weather patterns, such as heat waves or prolonged periods of extreme temperatures.

  • Number of occupants and heat-producing appliances

The number of people occupying space and the presence of heat-generating appliances contribute to its cooling load. More occupants and appliances mean more heat output, requiring a larger air conditioner to maintain comfort levels. Rooms with high occupancy or extensive use of appliances like ovens or computers may need additional cooling power.

Calculating the Correct AC Size

Manual J load calculation method

The Manual J load calculation method is a detailed and comprehensive approach used by HVAC professionals to determine the heating and cooling requirements of a building accurately. 

Here’s an overview of the Manual J load calculation method:

Room-by-Room Analysis: Manual J requires a detailed analysis of each room in the building, considering its size, orientation, insulation, and other relevant factors. By analysing each room individually, Manual J ensures that the unique characteristics of each space are considered in the load calculation.

Heat Gain and Loss Calculation: Manual J calculates both the heat gain (in summer) and heat loss (in winter) for each room based on factors such as solar radiation, air infiltration, conduction through walls and windows, and internal heat sources (such as appliances and occupants).

Climate Data: Manual J includes climate data specific to the building’s location, i.e., outdoor temperature, humidity levels, and seasonal variations. This helps to accurately estimate the building’s heating and cooling requirements under different weather conditions.

Insulation and Building Materials: Manual J considers the type and quality of insulation used in the building and the thermal properties of its construction materials. This information helps determine the building’s overall thermal performance and impact on heating and cooling loads.

Sizing AC: Based on the calculated heating and cooling loads for each room, Manual J determines the appropriate aircon size and capacity of the HVAC equipment needed to heat and cool the building adequately. Proper AC sizing is crucial for ensuring the HVAC system’s energy efficiency, comfort, and longevity.

Step-by-step guide to basic load calculation

Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing a basic load calculation:

Measure the dimensions of the room: This is the starting point. You need to accurately measure the length, width, and height of the room. These measurements will be crucial for determining the total volume of the space.

Calculate the square footage: Once you have the length and width, multiply them to get the room’s square footage. For example, if the room is 10 feet long and 12 feet wide, the square footage would be 120 square feet.

Adjust for factors affecting heat gain/loss: Not all rooms are created equal regarding how they retain or lose heat. Factors like ceiling height, insulation quality, and the number and size of windows can significantly impact the load calculation. Taller ceilings might require more cooling capacity, while good insulation can reduce heat transfer. Windows are particularly important as they can let in a lot of heat during the day.

Consider climate zones and local weather conditions: The climate in which the building is located plays a significant role in determining the cooling load. Areas with hot and humid climates require more cooling capacity than cooler ones. Additionally, local weather conditions, such as average temperatures and humidity levels, should be factored in to ensure the system can handle peak demands.

Account for occupants and appliances: The number of people occupying the room and the heat generated by appliances such as computers, lights, and kitchen equipment contribute to the overall cooling load. Human bodies and electronic devices emit heat, which can significantly impact the temperature of a room, especially in crowded or heavily equipped spaces.

AC Room Size Chart

Below is an AC room size chart for various room dimensions.

Room size Example Price guide Approx. capacity
Small (up to 20m2) Bedroom, small kitchen and study. $700–2900 2–2.5kW
Medium (20–40m2) Small lounge and Bedroom with ensuite. $700–3700 2.5–5kW
Large (40–60m2) Large kitchen, large bedroom, and mid-sized lounge. $1000–5500 5–9kW
Extra large (60+m2) Open-plan areas or large lounges. $1200–5500+ 6–10kW

Online tools and resources for simplified calculations

Aircon Room Size Calculator: Many HVAC manufacturers and retailers offer online aircon room size calculators that help homeowners determine the appropriate air conditioner size for their space. These calculators need information such as room dimensions, insulation type, and location to generate accurate sizing recommendations.

Manual J Software: Some software programs automate the Manual J load calculation. These programs allow users to input various parameters and generate detailed reports outlining the cooling requirements of their building.

HVAC Contractor Websites: Many HVAC contractors provide online resources and guides on air conditioners and room sizes to help homeowners understand the importance of proper AC sizing. Additionally, homeowners can often request a professional load calculation from a licensed HVAC contractor.

Are you still confused about the appropriate size of the air conditioner and its cost? Call us on (07) 4982 3740 for personalised assistance.

Choose Patrick Refrigeration for Tailored Air Conditioning Services 

Patrick Refrigeration is the leading expert in refrigeration, air Conditioning, and Electrical services. We specialise in providing tailored air conditioning services for your specific needs. 

Trust us to deliver superior performance and unmatched quality for your home or business. Get a quote now!

The scorching weather during the summers demands a comfortable living environment. Here, an air conditioner proves to be a faithful ally that helps you maintain the indoor temperature. However, over time, your air conditioner may not perform as it should. In some cases, repairing it may no longer seem an cost-effective solution.

That’s when you must start your search for a new air conditioner. However, deciding if it can be repaired or if you should opt for replacement can be complicated.

In this guide, we’ll explore key signs indicating when it’s time for an AC unit replacement and the benefits of replacing the AC instead of repairs.

Signs It’s Time for Air Conditioning Unit Replacement

Like any other system, an air conditioner also has its shelf life. Also, when it is at the end of its life, it will start throwing subtle hints indicating that certain underlying issues exist. Thus, identifying these issues can be done once you can read the signs. So, let’s begin by understanding the signs first, which will help you know whether it’s time for AC unit replacement.

1. The Air Conditioning Unit is Past Its Average Lifespan

As mentioned earlier, like any other appliance, AC units have a lifespan. If your system has been faithfully cooling or heating your home for over 10-15 years, it might be operating on borrowed time. Also, investing in a new air conditioner will mean that you are investing in efficiency and reliability for years to come.

2. Electricity Bills are Skyrocketing

Are your electricity bills reaching new heights despite regular usage patterns? Remember, an aging AC unit tends to lose efficiency, leading to increased energy consumption. A replacement can breathe new life into your cooling system and prove to be a savvy financial decision in the long run. Thus, lower energy bills and efficient cooling are the rewards waiting on the other side.

3. AC Requires Frequent Repairs

Calling the professionals for constant repairs is a huge indicator that you should opt for a replacement for your air conditioner. Frequent breakdowns and the constant need for repairs are red flags that your AC unit might be on its last legs. Rather than continually investing in patch-up solutions, it’s worth contemplating the long-term benefits of a full-fledged AC unit replacement. Thus, it will prove to be a strategic move that saves you from the inconvenience of perpetual malfunctions and also proves to be pocket-friendly over time.

4. The AC is Leaking or Making Odd Noises

Constant leaking and odd noises are also signs of internal issues that might be beyond the scope of repair. The proactive solution here? A timely replacement of the air conditioner. By making this choice, you not only address the immediate problems but also prevent potential problems to your home that could be caused by those leaks.

5. Air Conditioner Doesn’t Cool or Heat Evenly

Facing uneven temperature distribution is another telltale sign of a malfunctioning air conditioner. If specific areas of your home remain uncomfortably warm or cold, it clearly indicates that your current system might be struggling to keep up. The solution? Explore the possibility pf replacing the home AC unit for a consistent and comfortable indoor climate.

So, if you encounter any of the above-listed signs or any other signs that could indicate a problematic air conditioning unit, it could mean that you must opt for the replacement of your air conditioner.

Benefits of Air Conditioner Replacement

Now that we’ve deciphered the signs that help you know whether it’s time to replace your air conditioner, let’s move on to learn about the benefits of an air conditioning unit replacement.

1. New Technology Costs Less to Run

With the advancement in technology, we now have more energy-efficient air conditioners. Thus, investing in these models means you can significantly reduce your energy bills, making it a cost-effective solution over time.

2. Better-Sized AC for Your Current Needs

Older units might not be appropriately sized for your current living space. Upgrading to a suitably sized unit ensures efficient and effective cooling or heating, optimising energy usage.

3. More Cost-Effective to Replace than Repair

In many cases, the cumulative cost of frequent repairs surpasses the investment in a new AC unit. Therefore, choosing an air conditioning replacement is often the more cost-effective option in the long run.

4. Improved Ventilation and Air Quality

Newer AC units come with advanced ventilation features that enhance air quality. So, if your current system struggles to provide fresh, clean air, an air conditioning replacement can make a significant difference.

5. Improved Air Conditioning Performance

A modern AC unit offers faster cooling, better temperature control, and enhanced overall performance. It’s a worthwhile upgrade for a more comfortable living environment.

6. Modern Functions & Features

Take advantage of smart technology, programmable thermostats, and other modern features contributing to a more convenient and customisable cooling or heating experience.

What is the Cost of an Air Conditioner Replacement?

The cost of air conditioner installation varies based on various factors, such as the unit’s size, efficiency, and additional features. Also, know the cost of replacing other components, such as the cost to replace an AC compressor. On average, you can expect to invest between $2,500 and $7,500, including installation costs. 

To get a quote based on your needs and requirements, call us today at (07) 4982 3740 and get a precise estimate. 

Get Professional Help!

When considering air conditioning replacement, having a professional’s assistance is pivotal. Let our professionals be your true allies. They will assess your current system, handpick the perfect replacement for your AC tailored to your needs, and provide spot-on estimates.

Call us today at (07) 4982 3740 and make the transition to a more efficient and reliable air conditioning unit seamless.

As the scorching summer heat bears down on us, our reliable air conditioners become indispensable companions, providing relief by circulating cool and refreshing air. However, it is essential to consider the often-overlooked component of these units: the air conditioner filters. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how often to clean aircon filters and provide valuable insights on keeping your AC unit in top-notch condition.

How Often To Clean Aircon Filters?

  • Can you clean the AC filters? As a general rule, cleaning the air conditioner filters within the indoor unit every two weeks is advisable. In elevated levels of dust or pollution, it is advisable to implement a more frequent cleaning routine for your air conditioner. This practice ensures the optimal performance of the unit.
  • Cleaning the filters stands out as the most crucial maintenance task for preserving the efficiency and longevity of your air conditioning unit.
  • However, if your air conditioning unit is unused, consider cleaning it every six months.
  • Determining the frequency of air conditioner filter cleaning necessitates adherence to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Manufacturers provide specific instructions on the recommended cleaning intervals, and it is crucial to follow them. 
  • Moreover, The careful execution of the cleaning process is crucial, as it directly influences the overall performance of the air conditioner.

The Signs of a Dirty AC Filter:

Is it time to clean the AC filter? Look out for these signs:

Reduced Airflow:

If you notice a significant drop in the airflow from the vents, it means your filter needs attention.

Increased Energy Bills:

A clogged filter forces your AC unit to work harder, leading to higher energy consumption. Check your utility bills; if you see a spike, it might be time to clean your filter.

Visible Dirt and Debris:

Inspect the air conditioner filter for visible dirt and debris accumulation signs. If there is any noticeable layer of dust and debris on the filter’s surface, it indicates that the filter has reached a level of dirtiness requiring immediate cleaning.

How to Clean AC Filters:

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean AC filters:

Turn Off the AC Unit:

Ensure your air conditioner is turned off before starting maintenance.

Locate the Filters:

In most cases, your AC filters are located near the air handler or in the return air duct.

Remove the Filters:

Gently remove the filters from their housing, whether you have washable or disposable filters.

Wash AC Filters:

  1. If you have washable AC filters, rinse them under cold water.
  2. Use a mild detergent if necessary.
  3. Allow them to dry completely before reinserting in their housing.

Replace Disposable Filters:

  1. If your filter is of the disposable type, replace it with a new one.
  2. Ensure you choose the correct size and type recommended by your AC unit’s manufacturer.
  3. If you encounter any uncertainty, contact our professional AC unit cleaner for the replacement of disposable filters.

Regular Maintenance Checks:

Develop a routine for checking, cleaning, or replacing filters. Regular cleaning ensures that the filters are consistent and in optimal condition, promoting efficient functioning and longevity of the system.

Benefits of Cleaning Your AC Filters

Now that you know how often to clean an AC filter, let’s delve into the benefits of achieving optimal performance.

Improved Airflow Efficiency:

Regular cleaning prevents the accumulation of debris over time, ensuring unobstructed airflow through the system and contributing to the optimal functioning of your AC unit.

Enhanced System Performance:

Regular cleaning prevents filters from becoming clogged, allowing your air conditioning unit to operate normally. This, in turn, helps maintain the system’s overall performance and prevents potential issues associated with overworking.

Preservation of Indoor Air Quality:

Keeping filters clean ensures that the air circulating within your home is high quality. It promotes a healthier indoor environment by preventing the circulation of impure air, ultimately benefiting the overall indoor air quality.

Energy Efficiency:

Clean filters reduce the need for the air conditioning unit to consume excess energy. This enhanced energy efficiency contributes to the system’s overall effectiveness but also helps minimise energy consumption.

Cost Savings on Utility Bills:

Maintaining clean air conditioner filters offers cost savings on utility bills. The optimised energy efficiency reduces energy consumption, mitigating the economic impact of higher operational costs. Regular cleaning becomes a proactive measure for financial savings in the long run.

Patrick Refrigeration – Your All-in-One Air Conditioner Solution!

Patrick Refrigeration offers premium and affordable air conditioning, refrigeration, and electrical services. Our team ensures professional installation and maintenance of refrigeration, walk-in freezers, and air conditioning, all tailored to your specific needs. Our AC unit cleaners and technicians are not only highly skilled and experienced, but they also hold the necessary licenses and qualifications to ensure your peace of mind. We adhere to all relevant industry standards, guaranteeing safe and appropriate services for your valuable air conditioning system.

Contact us at (07) 4982 3740 for all-in-one air conditioning maintenance services.

On scorching summer days, your air conditioner works tirelessly to keep you cool indoors. Whether you rely on a central air system or a portable unit, knowing how to clean your air conditioner effectively is crucial. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss easy steps on how to clean the air conditioner unit, ensuring that your cooling system operates at its best. So, let’s beat the summer heat and keep a refreshing indoor environment.

Why is cleaning your air conditioner crucial?

Regularly cleaning your AC unit boosts its efficiency and promotes a healthier indoor environment. Dust, debris, and mould accumulation over time can impact performance and air quality. Consistent cleaning ensures a refreshing air and extends the lifespan of your cooling system.

How Often to Clean the Air Conditioner Unit?

 Regular air conditioner cleaning is crucial for its optimal performance and longevity. The recommended cleaning frequency depends on the type of air conditioner you have:

Window AC Units:

Before jumping to how to clean window AC units, let’s first understand how often AC cleaning is required.

  • Window air conditioners are exposed to outdoor elements, dust, and debris, making regular cleaning essential.
  • Clean your window AC unit thoroughly every 1-2 months to prevent reduced cooling efficiency and ensure it operates efficiently.

Central Air Systems:

  • For central air conditioning units, it’s advisable to have a professional inspect and clean the system at least once a year.
  • Our professional air conditioner cleaner will check coolant levels, identify and fix leaks, and clean coils to maintain the system’s efficiency and prevent potential breakdowns.

Adhering to these cleaning schedules ensures your air conditioner functions optimally, providing cool and comfortable indoor spaces.

Essential Considerations for Cleaning AC Unit

Window AC unit

Before discussing how to clean a window AC unit, it’s crucial to understand two primary areas: filters and coils.

  • Filter Maintenance

Filters play a vital role in removing dust from the air. When these filters are clogged, your AC unit works harder, consuming more energy to cool your home. It increases your energy costs and impacts the unit’s effectiveness in delivering desired results.

  • Coil Efficiency

Coils are responsible for facilitating the movement of hot and cold air. That’s why cleaning dirt and dust from your window AC unit is essential.

Central AC unit

For central air conditioning systems, we recommend choosing our professional services. We thoroughly inspect the unit, checking the ductwork and confirming efficient operation. Our professional approach ensures optimal performance and addresses complex issues in the central unit.

Material You Will Need To Clean An Air Conditioner 

Before discussing how to clean an air conditioner, let’s first understand the essential material required to clean an AC unit.

 For Window AC Unit:

  • Cloth
  • Screwdriver
  • Spray bottle
  • Soft brush
  • Mild dish soap or detergent

For Central AC Unit

  • Cloth
  • Screwdriver
  • Hose
  • Vacuum

How to Clean a Window AC Unit With Mild Dish Soap

Here is the step-by-procedure to clean Window AC Unit:

  • Turn off the unit for safety.
  • Remove and clean the cover using tabs, knobs, or screws.
  • Detach the filter, dust it, and rinse with lukewarm water and mild soap.
  • Allow the filter to dry completely before reinstalling in your window AC unit.
  • Identify and clean the evaporator coils inside and condenser coils outside.
  • Use a brush and slightly soapy water in a spray bottle for additional cleaning.
  • Dry all parts thoroughly before replacing the front cover and turning the unit back on after cleaning the outside AC unit.

How to Clean a Central AC Unit With a Hose and Water

Here is the step-by-step procedure to clean a central AC Unit:

  • Turn off the central AC unit and locate the vent.
  • Use a screwdriver or push tabs to open and remove the vent cover.
  • Clean the filter following the steps for a washable filter or replace non-reusable filters.
  • Turn off and clean the outside AC unit using the breaker switch.
  • Remove the top of the condenser unit and use a vacuum to clean inside the AC unit.
  • Carefully spray down the unit with a hose, avoiding the electrical box and avoiding power washers to prevent fin damage.
  • Allow 30 – 60 minutes for the condenser unit to dry completely before turning it back on.


Choose Patrick Refrigeration as your premier expert in Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, and Electrical services. Our specialised operational team excels in installation, repair, and maintenance, approaching your needs with a cost-effective solution. Our licensed and qualified technicians are trained to ensure safe and appropriate refrigeration installations and repairs

Contact us at (07) 4982 3740 for affordable air conditioning maintenance and repair services. 

To keep you and your house cool, your refrigeration installation must transport heat from the inside to the outside of your home. By removing heat from the air, air conditioners circulate cold air throughout your house. An evaporator coil is used to chill the air by blowing it over a network of freezing pipes. When water has evaporated from your skin, you get a cooling sensation.

Coils are filled with a liquid known as refrigerant, which converts a liquid to gas as it absorbs heat. As soon as the refrigerant is routed to another coil outside the home, it loses its heat and returns to liquid form. So because coolant is evaporating from gas to fluid-like mist on a cold window, this outer coil is referred to as a condenser.

A pump known as a compressor transports the refrigerant between two coils and alters its pressure. This ensures that all refrigerant is evaporating or condensing in the correct coils.

The refrigerant changes from a gas state and back again, allowing the system to transport more power than the pump. The compressor’s motor is the energy source needed to do this. The complete system generates about three times as much cooling power as the compressor alone.

Keeps the System Running!

Most people can do routine maintenance, such as replacing filters, but other repairs will need the services of a professional.

It is good to clean the coils and drains at the beginning of each cooling season to remove debris and clogs. As a result, it may be necessary for a professional to come out and fix it.

Refrigeration installation charge or airflow issues may also be to blame if the system doesn’t produce as much cold air as possible. These issues may need repair.

As the typical household’s energy consumption rises, we’ve come up with some suggestions for reducing the operating and maintenance costs of a split system air conditioner:

  1. To prevent wasting electricity, keep the windows and doors closed while the system is running.
  2. In the summer, the ideal temperature for air conditioning is between 24 and 25 degrees Fahrenheit, and in the winter, between 17 and 19 degrees Fahrenheit. Running expenses will rise by roughly 10% for every degree lower in the summer.
  3. Don’t keep your system running while away from home since this wastes money and effort.
  4. Run your air conditioner only when necessary. A less expensive option is to use a fan.
  5. During the fall and winter, turn off the refrigerated air conditioning and open the windows and doors to let in the cold air.
  6. If your computer has an economy mode, choose it. It saves energy by keeping the temperature at a more moderate level under the correct settings.
  7. Close the doors to rooms that don’t need to be cooled to reduce the space you are cooling.
  8. When at all feasible, use a ceiling or portable fan. Compared to air conditioners, they are a far more cost-effective option.
  9. Central cooling systems may be used to minimise the area of your home that is being cooled at any one moment by using zoning settings.
  10. An awning, shade netting, or similar structure should be used if your air conditioner compressor unit is exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day. Make sure there is enough room for air to circulate in the device.

The Ending!

The necessity for air conditioning was first sparked by a desire to manage humidity. High indoor humidity levels might have adverse effects on one’s health and well-being. Mould and other moisture-related issues might arise if humidity levels are not adequately controlled in hot, humid conditions.

This dehumidification, which can be seen by the water that drains away, is only a by-product of modern air conditioners’ primary function of reducing temperature. They are unable to regulate the temperature and humidity on their own.

The air conditioning unit is one of the most important electrical systems in your home during the summer months. It is important to keep up with routine maintenance in order to ensure that it runs smoothly and does not break down when you need it most. If you do not stay on top of things, you may find yourself in need of air conditioner repair.

How much does an air conditioner repair cost? That depends on the system you have, the issue in question, and several other factors. This air conditioner repair cost guide will help you find detailed pricing on how much you can expect.

Air Conditioning Repair Estimate

HVAC businesses often complete an air conditioning check-up before performing air conditioning service and repair. To find the source of the issue, an air conditioning specialist may then test and examine a number of various components of your AC unit. Once this has been determined, an air conditioning repair company will be able to provide you with a more precise air conditioner repair cost in Emerald for their services. Since certain repairs are more difficult than others, the cost could be a little more.

Home AC Recharge Cost 

After fixing a leak, an AC recharge is typically performed to prevent low refrigerant levels. An air conditioner’s refrigerant charge typically costs between $170 – $800.

AC Compressor Repair and Replacement Cost 

The air conditioner compressor is the most crucial part of an air conditioner and is referred to as the “heart” of your air conditioning system. Repairing a compressor can cost between $150 to $300 while replacing a compressor might be between $1,300 – $3,500.

AC Freon Leak Repair Cost

Freon is the gas that acts as a refrigerant in your air conditioner; it is in charge of cooling heated air. Depending on how bad the leak is, fixing a freon leak might cost anywhere from $300 – $2,000.

Air Handler Replacement Cost 

A heating and cooling system’s air handler, regulates how hot or cold air is distributed throughout the space. An air handler replacement will cost between $3,000 to $5,000.

Air Conditioner Fan Coil Leak Repair Cost

The cost to replace an air conditioner’s evaporator coil starts at around $2,600, which is roughly equal to the price of the repair. Therefore, choosing a replacement rather than a repair is more feasible.

Condenser Replacement Cost

Poor maintenance results in a buildup of dust and debris, which leads to condensers failing. It may cost around $2,500 to replace your condenser coil.

AC Duct Replacement Cost 

Reduced airflow and clogged filters are indicators of a defective air conditioning duct, which can be caused by the ducts’ condition or the duct system’s age. The duct of the air conditioner repair costs around $2700, as an estimate.

AC Blower Repair Cost

The AC unit might not turn on at all if the blower breaks out. AC blower repairs typically cost between $200 – $300, while higher-end units might cost as much as $2,700 to replace.

AC Expansion Valve Repair Cost

The expansion valve converts liquid refrigerant into vapour, therefore a faulty valve may also result in underperformance from your air conditioner. Additionally, this may result in higher utility costs. Your AC expansion valve will cost between $300 to $600 to repair or replace.

Hiring an Air Conditioning Expert in QLD

Looking for a professional air conditioning Clermont QLD repair company?

It is possible to employ someone for a low price; however, the repairs may cost more in the long run. Expert contractors like Patrick Refrigeration provide not only trustworthy repair solutions, but also cost-effective ones. This is why it is important to consider all your options before making a decision.

Visit our website & get a more detailed air conditioner repair cost guide or call one of our experts at 07 4982 3740 to receive a free quote on your air conditioner repair cost.

Disclaimer: All the above-mentioned costs can vary depending on your model, brand, and other issues related to the repair. Contact us for more information.

Portable air cooling can be a great substitute if you live in a place where it is challenging to install ducting or a more substantial air conditioning system. These air conditioners can be an affordable solution for renters, those who move frequently, or for a smaller living area whereas other air conditioning systems need installation, a technician, or HVAC professional, and can cost thousands of dollars.

Although a portable aircon is a fantastic alternative, it is always important to weigh the pros and cons of any potential purchase. As a reputable air conditioning service in Emerald, we want to help you make the best choice, in which we have highlighted some  portable aircon pros and cons below.

Benefits of portable air conditioners

Lower Price

One of the best portable AC benefits is that it is reasonably priced. A portable air conditioner is a cost-effective alternative when compared to the cost of a central air conditioning unit and the labour required to install it.

Simple Installation

One of the benefits of portable air conditioners is that they are easy to install.. They only need an electrical outlet and a window for the intake and exhaust hoses. A set of instructions on how to put together the window hose unit is included with the air conditioner itself.

Usually Simple to Move

One of the portable AC benefits is that those who want the flexibility to utilise cooling where they need it, the majority of models allow you to wheel the unit around to where you need it. In comparison to a window unit, it is also a great deal simpler to transfer and manage. While portable units may roll from one area to another, window units often require more than one person to relocate.


Any air conditioner you purchase will produce some form of noise, regardless of the model. Even while a portable air conditioner can significantly increase the noise in a space, it is frequently just “background noise” and isn’t bothersome. It’s crucial to understand what to anticipate in terms of noise, just as with any other air conditioner. If you really must have a silent air conditioner, look for a portable air conditioner that has “quiet” listed as a feature.

 Not Energy Efficient

Even though there are many different portable aircon pros and cons,  they are not energy-efficient. Your energy costs might drastically increase if you are using a portable air conditioner as your main source of cooling. The ideal decision is to invest in a model that has a programmable thermostat if energy efficiency is a top priority for your house.

Temperature and Humidity Control

A portable air conditioner won’t do much to manage humidity and is not designed to survive days with higher temperatures. This definitely isn’t a portable AC benefit,  it does provide enough humidity relief, the air conditioner’s water pan needs to be frequently emptied to prevent leaks and water damage.

Cools Only Small Places

The cooling capacity of portable air conditioners is limited. You’ll need to purchase many units for different rooms if you want to efficiently chill a full house. The cost of the energy needed to operate those units may pile up rapidly, and the cost of the maintenance might not even be worth it. It is preferable to take a central air conditioner emerald into consideration if you’re searching for a way to chill a complete house or business space

When selecting a portable air conditioner, there are numerous things to take into account. We can assist you in finding the ideal air conditioner for your house if you believe that a portable air conditioner might not be the best option for your requirements. Our team of HVAC professionals can assess your home’s size and assist you in selecting the best and most energy-efficient option. In addition, we offer a range air conditioning service in emerald like installation, maintenance, and repair. For more information related to the benefits of a portable air conditioner or for further enquiries,  call us at 07 4982 3740 or email us at .

With a split system air conditioner, you can keep your house cool and pleasant in the warmer months. In addition to being quieter, simpler to set up, and more energy-efficient, window air conditioners are also less expensive. For air conditioner installation, you need to put the cooling unit inside and the compressor and condensation unit outside, and then run pipes and an electrical wire between them.

The installation of a split system air conditioner may be done by anybody who knows plumbing and electrical work and is willing to put in the time and effort. Although each air conditioner is unique to its maker, the air conditioning service is the same.

1. Turn off the electricity supply

Please remember to switch off the electricity to your air conditioner before you begin cleaning it. It is dangerous to clean an air conditioning system while it is running. Thus it should be avoided at all costs. Locate the service panel on the external condenser or compressor to turn off the electricity. There’s usually a box for turning things off near the machine.

2. The mounting plate should be attached to the wall inside

Hold the indoor unit’s mounting plate against the wall. The horizontal and vertical levels should be checked using a group. Mark the positions of the screw holes with a pencil, then remove the plate and drill a hole in the wall for each screw. Put plastic anchors in each hole and screw the plate with tapping screws to secure the vessel.

3. AC Condenser Coils need to be cleaned

Remove the condenser unit’s side and top panels, commonly known as the grilles, and clean the condenser coils. Depending on the fastener, either a screwdriver or a nut driver may be used. Remove the side panels by unscrewing the screws and lifting them out of the device. Avoid yanking on the fan’s wires as you remove the top, which may be hefty.

Using a soft brush or a installation refrigerator coil brush, clean the exterior of the air conditioner AC coils using this method. When it comes to cleaning the coils, extreme caution should be used. Keep the delicate fins and coils free of kinks. With a “fin comb,” you can straighten the fins if they’ve been bent. Vacuum the AC condenser coils inside and out once you’ve cleaned the outside. You may use a professional air conditioning service cleaner from the inside to remove stubborn dirt and debris from the condenser coils.

4. Connect the device to the pipes and wires that run through the wall opening

Use electrical tape to join the supplied copper pipes, power cable, and drain pipe. Place the drainpipe at the bottom to guarantee that water may flow freely. Pipes and cables should be inserted via a hole in the wall and then attached to the indoor unit as instructed in the instruction manual.

●  Adding additional insulation isn’t necessary since each line is pre-insulated.

●  To guarantee that the unit functions properly, reduce the number of bends in the pipes and cables.

● Check to see that the drainage pipe is set up so that water may flow to the proper location. Your kit’s instruction booklet provides further information.

Final Thoughts!

Connect the electricity to the condenser once you’ve cleaned the central air conditioner. Turning off the thermostat in your house is the first step. Turn on the main panel’s power and the disconnect box’s electricity. Before turning on your air conditioning, make sure you have your thermostat set to the cooling setting.

You may save a lot of money in the long-term by adequately maintaining your air conditioner. Cover your refrigerated air conditioning with plastic and secure it with a rope or bungee cords in the autumn and winter to go one step further. A professional technician should be contacted as soon as possible if your air conditioner is still not functioning correctly after cleaning it out thoroughly.